Risso's Dolphins are aquatic mammals.
Risso's Dolphin Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Delphinidae
Genus: Grampus
Species: Griseus
Other Names: the Grampus, Grey Dolphin,
White-Head Grampus, Grey Grampus
Size: An adult Risso's Dolphin is usually
approximately 650 to 1,100 lbs and they are 8.5
to 13 feet long.
Habitat: Risso's Dolphins are found in
temperate, subtropical and tropical waters that
are generally greater than 3,300 feet in depth.
Description: Unlike most dolphins the
Risso's Dolphin does not have a prominent or discernible
beak. It has a blunt snout, and they resemble
the Pilot Whale. The body of Risso's Dolphin is
robust and tapers toward the tail. Risso's Dolphin
has a sickle shaped dorsal fin.
Risso’s dolphins are also recognizable as a result
of white scar tissue that stretches down their
body. The scars are thought to be the result of
playful bites from other Risso dolphins or from
fighting, or possibly even squid bites. Adult
Risso's Dolphins may appear to be almost completely
white due to the scarring.
Gestation: Risso's Dolphins carry their
young for 13 to 14 months.
Calves: Risso's Dolphin calves are born
with a grey skin that becomes chocolate brown
with age. Eventually the brown will take on the
adult coloring.
Sexual Maturity: Male and female Risso's
Dolphins reach sexual maturity at 8.5-9 feet in