All cetaceans are very vocal and use a series
of clicks, trills, chirps, whistles, and clacks
to communicate
Sound File
Dolphin Sounds
Dolphin Chatter |
Dolphin Clicks |
Dolphin Whistles |
Dolphin Chirps |
Dolphin Whistling Sounds |
Dolphin Sounds |
Dolphin Noises |
Dolphin Communication |
Dolphins Talking |
Sounds of Dolphins |
Noises from Dolphins |
Wild Dolphin Sounds |
Bottlenose Dolphin Sounds
Bottlenose Dolphin Sounds |
Rough Toothed Dolphin Sounds
Rough Toothed Dolphin Sounds |
Orca Sounds
Orca Sounds |
Orca Whale Sounds |
Humpback Whale Sounds
Humpback Whale Songs |

Dolphins can
make more than 1000 different vocalizations.