Fraser's Dolphins are aquatic mammals.
Fraser's Dolphin Classification:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Cetacea
Family: Delphinidae
Genus: Lagenodelphis
Species: Hosei
Habitat: Fraser's Dolphins are found in
deep tropical waters, most commonly in the Eastern
Pacific Ocean, but they are also spotted in the
Gulf of Mexico.

Fraser's Dolphin
Classification: Least Concern of Threatened
Size: An adult Fraser's Dolphin are 6.5-9 feet
long and u weight between 200 - 300 lbs.
Diet: Fraser's Dolphins prey on fish, squid
or octopus, krill and other crustaceans. Fraser's Dolphins
hunt in groups at great depths. This allows them to
circle entire schools of fish. It is not uncommon for
a pod of Fraser's Dolphins to dive to 2,000 feet for
Other Names: Sarawak Dolphin, Shortsnout Dolphin,
Bornean Dolphin, White-belied Dolphin, Fraser's Porpoise,
Senses: Fraser's Dolphins have a well developed,
acute sense of hearing. The Fraser's Dolphin olfactory
nerves are absent, indicating that they have no sense
of smell.
Description: Fraser's Dolphins are dark gray,
dark black, or dark blue. Fraser's Dolphins are stocky
with a short beak and thick tail. Flippers, dorsal fin
and tail flukes are all relatively small and pointy.
A cream band begins above and forward of the eye, extending
along the flank, and is paralleled by a darker black
band. The beak on Fraser's Dolphin is short and well
Birth: Fraser's Dolphin calves are born
tail first. They are 3 feet long and they weigh
approximately 40 lbs at birth. They are a dull
grey in color.
Did You Know?
Fraser's Dolphins are most often observed
in deep waters.
Gestation: Fraser's Dolphins carry their young
for approximately 12.5 months.
Calves: Fraser's Dolphin calves are a dull grey
color when born.
Sexual Maturity: Male Fraser's Dolphins mature
at 7 to 10 years of age, while females mature at 5 to
8 years of age.
Life Span: The average life span of the Fraser's
Dolphins is approximately 18 years of age in the wild.
Structure: Fraser's Dolphins are found in groups
of 100 to 1000 dolphins and will socialize with
other species. They swim close together in their
pod. Fraser's Dolphins have been observed swimming
with Melon-Headed Whale, Short-Finned Pilot Whales,
Sperm Whales, Risso's Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphins.
Did You Know?
Fraser's dolphins are thought to be the
most aggressive of dolphin species.
Athleticism: Fraser's Dolphins often swim in
a group line creating a distinctive frothy wake.